Executive Council, Stewards, and Grievance Officers

Executive Council

Melanie Landon-HaysPresident2023-2025president@wouft.org
Rebecca McCannellVP of Membership and Organizing2023-2025membership@wouft.org
Mary PettengerVP of Political Action2024-2026action@wouft.org
Ben CotéSecretary2024-2026secretary@wouft.org
Scott BeaverTreasurer2024-2026treasurer@wouft.org
Stewart BakerCommunications Director2023-2025communications@wouft.org
Earlene CamarilloBargaining Chairn/abargaining@wouft.org

Stewards: 2023-2025




Tamina TorayBehavioral Sciencestorayt@wou.edu
OpenBusiness and Economics 
OpenComputer Science
Tim CowartCreative Arts cowartt@wou.edu
Miyuki ArimotoCriminal Justicearimotom@wou.edu
Kara GournarisDeaf Studies and Professional Studies gournark@wou.edu
Shari HopkinsEducation and Leadershiphopkinss@wou.edu
OpenHealth and Exercise Science 
Ryan HickersonHumanitieshickersr@wou.edu
Christopher Mansayon Library and Academic Innovationmansayonc@wou.edu
Ben CoteNatural Sciences and Mathematicscoteb@wou.edu
OpenSocial Scienceshenkelsm@wou.edu
Ken KirbyNon-tenure Track Faculty kirbyk@wou.edu

Grievance Officers, 2023-2025

From Article V, Section 5 of the WOUFT Constitution and Bylaws:

The Executive Council is responsible for processing any contractual complaint. The Executive Council shall appoint individuals to be Grievance Representatives, who shall represent the local as “Grievance Officers” in grievance matters with the university. Once a complaint is received, the Executive Council will refer each such complaint to one or more grievance representatives for investigation. Grievance Representatives will investigate complaints assigned to them by the WOUFT Executive Council, evaluate the validity of each complaint, and report to the Executive Council on the findings of their investigations. The Executive Council will make final decisions on the disposition of formal membership complaints. The Grievance Review shall take place within contractual requirements for processing the grievance.

Please do not contact grievance officers directly if you have a potential grievance. Instead, fill out our online form and one will be assigned to your case. Learn more about filing a grievance or complaint here.

Current Grievance Officers

  • Bryan Dutton
  • Melanie Landon-Hays
  • Scott Beaver
  • Chloë Hughes
  • Maria Peterson-Ahmad
  • Emily Plec