- 2024-2027 contract ratified by WOUFT members!WOUFT members have now voted on the 2024-2027 WOUFT CBA. We had a great turnout with 69% of the membership voting. The results of the ratification vote are: 92 votes for ratifying the contract and 14 votes against. Ratification wins with 86.79% of the vote. WOUFT members and other members of the WOU community …
- WOUFT Fall Social – Friday, September 27thAll faculty are invited to join the WOUFT Executive Council this Friday, September 27th, from 3 to 5 pm in the Richard Woodcock Education Center (RWEC), room 101 for our fall social. We’ll share brief updates about our summer bargaining and what’s next, how to join the union, as well as other information. Food and …
- Bargaining Update, September 26, 2024This update covers the economic summit held between WOU and WOUFT bargaining teams on Monday, September 23rd, 2024, as well as summarizing other ongoing topics. You can access the update here (WOU login required).
- Bargaining Update, September 16th 2024This update covers two weeks of bargaining, inclusive of the dates on Tuesday, September 3rd Thursday, September 5th, Tuesday, September 10th, and Thursday, September 12th, 2024. To read the update, click here (WOU login required)
- WOUFT-WOU Bargaining Update, August 14 2024The bargaining update for our August 6 and August 8 bargaining sessions is now available. You can read the update here. A WOU login is required to access the document.
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Winter 2020 Supplemental Issue
Labor News Sites
As a union member, you have cousins everywhere. The labor struggle continues all over the world. For US labor news, check out Labornotes: Labornotes
For international labor news, check out LabourStart, an international trade unionist news site: LabourStart