WOUFT Hardship Fund

The WOUFT Hardship Fund was established to help provide economic assistance to members in need. 

TO APPLY for hardship funds, complete the form available at the link here and send an email to the WOUFT VP for Membership, whose contact information can be found here: https://wouft.org/about/ to notify them of your submitted request.

Once your membership status has been confirmed, the request will be forwarded to the hardship fund committee and you will receive an email response regarding the disbursement of funds. 

TO DONATE to the hardship fund, send a check made payable to “WOUFT” with “Hardship Fund” in the memo line to the WOUFT Treasurer, whose contact information can be found here: https://wouft.org/about/.

Contributions in any amount, small or large, are welcome and make a difference in the lives of your coworkers.